Thursday, 15 December 2011

Manorama Yearbook 2012 with Free CD India and the World

Manorama Yearbook 2012 (Free CD)
Manorama Yearbook 2012 (Free CD)( Paperback )
By Mammen Mathew

Publisher : Malayalam Manorama

Price : Rs. 170Rs. 127


Summary of Manorama Yearbook 2012 (Free CD)

 Manorama yearbook is a best seller with a history of success of nearly half a century. It is India's best General knowledge update covering almost everything that a student needs in competitive examinations and a teacher and researcher can use effectively in his pursuit of Knowledge. lt is undoubtedly the most popular reference book in India and the World, dealing with topics ranging from science, education and History to sports, literature and entertainment. English yearbook this year has 1040 pages encompassing sections such as World, India, Science, IT, General Knowledge, Sports Arena, Current affairs and Culture present a fabulous world of facts, statistics and new information.

The latest edition of this highly affordable source book is coming out shortly with several new features of Knowledge adventure. lt will excite and enrich you


  • Cover story: The Arab uprising
  • A special article on youth power by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
  • Calendar of events across the world
  • Science scan 2012
  • Gene Revolution
  • Cosmos
  • Environmental efforts, the various International conventions
  • Health and medicine, Knowing human diseases
  • Information technology, Unravelling 2G and 3G
  • World Panorama: Countries listed by continents
  • Education and Career: Courses to Watch, Group discussion
  • India: Ready reckoner of states
  • Indian economy
  • General Knowledge: Quiz show 2012
  • World's 50 classics
  • Sports diary 2011

List of competitive exams that we covered.
Examinations Conducted by UPSC:-

* Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination (In May)
* Civil Services (Main) Examination (In Oct/Nov)
* Indian Forest Service Examination (In July)
* Engineering Services Examination (In June)
* Geologist Examination (in December)
* Special Class Railway Apprentices Examination (In July)
* National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (In April & September)
* Combined Defence Services Examination (In February & August)
* Combined Medical Services Examination (In January)
* Indian Economic Service/Indian Statistical Service Examination (In November)
* Section Officers/Stenographers (Grade-B/Grade-I) Limited Departmental Competetive Examination (In December)
* Central Police Forces (Assistant Commandants) Examination (In October)

SSC Competitive Exams

* Assistants Grade Exam
* Accountants and Auditors Recruitment Exam
* Clerks Grade Exam
* Combined Graduate Preliminary Exam
* Combined Matric Preliminary Exam
* Divisional Accountants /Auditors/UDC Exam
* Income Tax/ Excise Inspectors, etc.. Exam
* Central Police Organisation SI Exam
* Stenographers’ Grade ‘C’ Exam

Defence Competitive Exams

* Combined Defence Services (C.D.S.) Exam (UPSC)
* National Defence Academy (N.D.A.) Exam (UPSC)
* I.A.F. Airman (Technical Trades) Exam
* I.A.F. Airman (Non-Technical Trades) Exam
* I.A.F. Airman (Educational Instructors Trade) Exam
* Indian Navy Sailors Direct Entry Recruitment Exam
* Indian Army Soldiers General Duty (NER) Exam

L.I.C/ G.I.C Competitive Exams

* L.I.C Officers’ Exam
* G.I.C Officers’ Exam
* L.I.C Development Officers’ Exam
* G.I.C. Assistants Exam

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) Exams

* Group 1 Exam
* Group 2 Exam
* Group 4 Exam
* All exams conducted by Tnpsc

Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) Exams

* Sub Inspector Exam
* Sub Inspector(Technical) Exam
* All exams conducted by Tnusrb

Details of Book : Manorama Yearbook 2012 (Free CD)

Book:Manorama Yearbook 2012 (Free CD)
Author:Mammen Mathew
Publisher:Malayalam Manorama
Publishing Date:2012
Number of Pages:1040

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